¤ Fudget Library Reference Manual ¤

Created from the Fudget Library sources on Sat Jun 24 16:22:22 CEST 2000

Full Index



bellF :: F a a
Button implementation:
data BMevents = ...
buttonGroupF :: [(ModState, KeySym)] -> F (Either BMevents a) b -> F a b
pushButtonF :: [(ModState, KeySym)] -> F a b -> F a (Either b Click)
data Click = ...
data ButtonF a
class HasLabelInside a where ...
data ToggleButtonF
data RadioGroupF
buttonF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F Click Click
buttonF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (ButtonF a) -> a -> F Click Click
buttonF'' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (ButtonF a) -> a -> PF (ButtonF a) Click Click
quitButtonF :: F Click a
radioGroupF :: (Graphic b, Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> a -> F a a
radioGroupF' :: (Graphic b, Eq a) => Customiser RadioGroupF -> [(a, b)] -> a -> F a a
setLabel :: a -> Customiser (ButtonF a)
setPlacer :: Placer -> Customiser RadioGroupF
toggleButtonF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F Bool Bool
toggleButtonF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser ToggleButtonF -> a -> F Bool Bool
toggleF :: Bool -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)
Data entry fields:
data StringF
intF :: F Int (InputMsg Int)
intF' :: Customiser StringF -> F Int (InputMsg Int)
intF'' :: Customiser StringF -> PF StringF Int (InputMsg Int)
intInputF :: F Int Int
intInputF' :: Customiser StringF -> F Int Int
passwdF :: F String (InputMsg String)
passwdF' :: (StringF -> StringF) -> F String (InputMsg String)
passwdF'' :: (StringF -> StringF) -> PF StringF String (InputMsg String)
passwdInputF :: F String String
passwdInputF' :: (StringF -> StringF) -> F String String
setAllowedChar :: (Char -> Bool) -> Customiser StringF
setCursorPos :: Int -> Customiser StringF
setInitString :: String -> Customiser StringF
setInitStringSize :: String -> Customiser StringF
setShowString :: (String -> String) -> Customiser StringF
stringF :: F String (InputMsg String)
stringF' :: Customiser StringF -> F String (InputMsg String)
stringF'' :: Customiser StringF -> PF StringF String (InputMsg String)
stringInputF :: F String String
stringInputF' :: Customiser StringF -> F String String
border3dF :: Bool -> Int -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) b
buttonBorderF :: Int -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) b
labAboveF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c -> F b c
labBelowF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c -> F b c
labLeftOfF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c -> F b c
labRightOfF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c -> F b c
labelF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c
labelF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (DisplayF a) -> a -> F b c
tieLabelF :: (Graphic a) => Orientation -> Alignment -> a -> F b c -> F b c
Displaying and interacting with composite graphical objects:
data GraphicsF a
graphicsF :: (Graphic a) => F (GfxCommand DPath a) (GfxEvent DPath)
graphicsF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (GraphicsF a) -> F (GfxCommand DPath a) (GfxEvent DPath)
hyperGraphicsF :: (Eq a, Graphic b) => Drawing a b -> F (Either (Drawing a b) (a, Drawing a b)) a
hyperGraphicsF' :: (Eq a, Graphic b) => (GraphicsF (Drawing a b) -> GraphicsF (Drawing a b)) -> Drawing a b -> F (Either (Drawing a b) (a, Drawing a b)) a
setAdjustSize :: Bool -> Customiser (GraphicsF a)
Displaying and interacting with lists:
type PickListRequest a = ListRequest a
pickListF :: (a -> String) -> F (PickListRequest a) (InputMsg (Int, a))
pickListF' :: Customiser TextF -> (a -> String) -> F (PickListRequest a) (InputMsg (Int, a))
Displaying text:
data TextF
type TextRequest = ListRequest String
moreF :: F [String] (InputMsg (Int, String))
moreF' :: Customiser TextF -> F [String] (InputMsg (Int, String))
moreFileF :: F String (InputMsg (Int, String))
moreFileShellF :: F String (InputMsg (Int, String))
moreShellF :: String -> F [String] (InputMsg (Int, String))
moreShellF' :: Customiser TextF -> String -> F [String] (InputMsg (Int, String))
textF :: F TextRequest (InputMsg (Int, String))
textF' :: Customiser TextF -> F TextRequest (InputMsg (Int, String))
data DisplayF a
displayF :: (Graphic a) => F a b
displayF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (DisplayF a) -> F a b
intDispF :: F Int a
intDispF' :: Customiser (DisplayF Int) -> F Int a
setSpacer :: Spacer -> Customiser (DisplayF a)
menuF :: (Graphic a, Graphic c) => a -> [(b, c)] -> F b b
popupMenuF :: (Graphic b, Eq b) => [(a, b)] -> F c d -> F (Either [(a, b)] c) (Either a d)
Pop-up windows:
data ConfirmMsg = ...
confirmPopupF :: (Graphic a) => F a (a, ConfirmMsg)
inputPopupF :: String -> InF a b -> Maybe b -> F (Maybe String, Maybe a) ((Maybe String, Maybe a), b)
inputPopupOptF :: String -> InF a b -> Maybe b -> F (Maybe String, Maybe a) ((Maybe String, Maybe a), Maybe b)
messagePopupF :: (Graphic a) => F a (a, Click)
passwdPopupF :: String -> F (Maybe String, Maybe String) ((Maybe String, Maybe String), String)
stringPopupF :: String -> F (Maybe String, Maybe String) ((Maybe String, Maybe String), String)
Selecting from dynamic lists of alternatives:
oldFilePickF :: F String (InputMsg String)
Terminating the program:
quitF :: F a b
quitIdF :: (a -> Bool) -> F a a
Text editors:
data EditEvt = ...
data EditCmd = ...
editorF :: F EditCmd EditEvt
editorF' :: Customiser EditorF -> F EditCmd EditEvt
loadEditor :: String -> [EditCmd]
selectall :: [EditCmd]
setEditorCursorPos :: (Int, Int) -> [EditCmd]
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data EditStop = ...
data EDirection = ...
type EditStopFn = String -> String -> EditStopChoice
data EditStopChoice = ...
type IsSelect = Bool
data EditorF
data GfxEventMask = ...
data GfxCommand a b = ...
data GfxEvent a = ...
data MenuState
data EqSnd a b = ...
data PopupMenu = ...
data TerminalCmd = ...
bdStringF :: Int -> Sizing -> FontSpec -> [Char] -> F [Char] (InputMsg [Char])
buttonMenuF :: (Graphic a) => LayoutDir -> FontName -> a -> [(b, [(ModState, KeySym)])] -> F (Either MenuState c) b -> F (Either MenuState (Either a c)) (Either MenuState b)
buttonMenuF' :: (Graphic a) => Bool -> LayoutDir -> FontName -> a -> [(b, [(ModState, KeySym)])] -> F (Either MenuState c) b -> F (Either MenuState (Either a c)) (Either MenuState b)
cmdTerminalF :: FontName -> Int -> Int -> F TerminalCmd a
editF :: FontSpec -> F EditCmd EditEvt
fstEqSnd :: EqSnd a b -> a
gcWarningF :: F a b
generalStringF :: Int -> String -> Sizing -> ColorSpec -> ColorSpec -> FontSpec -> (Char -> Bool) -> ([Char] -> [Char]) -> Int -> [Char] -> F (Either (StringF -> StringF) [Char]) (InputMsg [Char])
getAllowedChar :: StringF -> Char -> Bool
getCursorPos :: StringF -> Int
getInitString :: StringF -> String
getShowString :: StringF -> String -> String
gfxButton :: GfxEvent a -> Button
gfxHasFocus :: GfxEvent a -> Bool
gfxKeyLookup :: GfxEvent a -> KeyLookup
gfxKeySym :: GfxEvent a -> KeySym
gfxPaths :: GfxEvent a -> [(a, (Point, Rect))]
gfxState :: GfxEvent a -> ModState
gfxType :: GfxEvent a -> Pressed
grabberF :: [(a, [(ModState, KeySym)])] -> F (Either b a) (Either MenuState c) -> F a c
graphicsDispF :: (Graphic a) => F (GfxCommand DPath a) (GfxEvent DPath)
graphicsDispF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (GraphicsF a) -> F (GfxCommand DPath a) (GfxEvent DPath)
graphicsDispGroupF :: (Graphic c) => F a b -> F (Either (GfxCommand DPath c) a) (Either (GfxEvent DPath) b)
graphicsDispGroupF' :: (Graphic a) => (GraphicsF a -> GraphicsF a) -> F b c -> F (Either (GfxCommand DPath a) b) (Either (GfxEvent DPath) c)
graphicsGroupF :: (Graphic c) => F a b -> F (Either (GfxCommand DPath c) a) (Either (GfxEvent DPath) b)
graphicsGroupF' :: (Graphic a) => Customiser (GraphicsF a) -> F b c -> F (Either (GfxCommand DPath a) b) (Either (GfxEvent DPath) c)
graphicsLabelF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c
graphicsLabelF' :: (Graphic a) => (GraphicsF a -> GraphicsF a) -> a -> F b c
inputEditorF :: F String (InputMsg String)
inputEditorF' :: Customiser EditorF -> F String (InputMsg String)
menuAltsF :: (Graphic b, Eq a) => FontName -> [a] -> (a -> b) -> F PopupMenu a
menuButtonF :: (Graphic a) => FontName -> a -> F a Click
menuButtonGroupF :: F (Either BMevents a) b -> F a b
menuDown :: MenuState
menuLabelF :: (Graphic a) => FontName -> a -> F (Either Bool a) (GfxEvent DPath)
menuPopupF :: F a b -> F (Either PopupMenu a) b
menuPopupF' :: Bool -> F a b -> F (Either PopupMenu a) b
newline :: Char
offColor :: [Char]
oldButtonF :: (Graphic c, Show a, FontGen a, Show b, ColorGen b, Graphic d) => Alignment -> Distance -> a -> ColorSpec -> b -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> c -> F d Click
oldConfirmPopupF :: F String (String, ConfirmMsg)
oldEditorF :: FontSpec -> F EditCmd EditEvt
oldGeneralStringF :: Int -> Sizing -> FontSpec -> (Char -> Bool) -> ([Char] -> [Char]) -> [Char] -> F [Char] (InputMsg [Char])
oldIntF :: Int -> InF Int Int
oldMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq b, Graphic a) => FontName -> a -> [(b, [(ModState, KeySym)])] -> (b -> c) -> F a b
oldMessagePopupF :: F String (String, Click)
oldPasswdF :: String -> InF String String
oldPopupMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => ColorName -> Bool -> FontName -> Button -> ModState -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> [(a, b)] -> (a -> c) -> F d e -> F (Either [(a, f)] d) (Either a e)
oldRadioGroupF :: (Graphic c, Show a, FontGen a, Eq b) => Placer -> Bool -> a -> [b] -> b -> (b -> c) -> F b b
oldStringF :: String -> InF String String
oldToggleButtonF :: (Graphic b, Show a, FontGen a) => a -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> b -> F Bool Bool
oldToggleButtonF' :: (Graphic b, Show a, FontGen a) => Bool -> a -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> b -> F Bool Bool
onColor :: [Char]
onOffDispF :: Bool -> F Bool a
passwdPopupOptF :: String -> F (Maybe String, Maybe String) ((Maybe String, Maybe String), Maybe String)
pushButtonF' :: Int -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> F a b -> F a (Either b Click)
radioF :: (Graphic c, Show a, FontGen a, Eq b) => Placer -> Bool -> a -> [(b, c)] -> b -> F b b
replaceAllGfx :: a -> GfxCommand [b] a
replaceGfx :: a -> b -> GfxCommand a b
setCursor :: Int -> Customiser (GraphicsF a)
setCursorSolid :: Bool -> Customiser (GraphicsF a)
setGfxEventMask :: [GfxEventMask] -> Customiser (GraphicsF a)
simpleMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq b, Graphic a) => FontName -> a -> [b] -> (b -> c) -> F a b
smallPickListF :: (a -> String) -> F [a] a
sndEqSnd :: EqSnd a b -> b
stringPopupOptF :: String -> F (Maybe String, Maybe String) ((Maybe String, Maybe String), Maybe String)
terminalF :: FontName -> Int -> Int -> F String a
textF'' :: Customiser TextF -> PF TextF TextRequest (InputMsg (Int, String))
toEqSnd :: [(a, b)] -> [EqSnd a b]
toggleGroupF :: [(ModState, KeySym)] -> F (Either (Either Bool Bool) a) b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)


Abstract fudgets: from stream processors:
absF :: SP a b -> F a b
Abstract fudgets: stateful:
mapstateF :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> F b c
Abstract fudgets: stateless:
concatMapF :: (a -> [b]) -> F a b
mapF :: (a -> b) -> F a b
Combining data entry fields:
inputListF :: (Eq a) => [(a, InF b c)] -> InF [(a, b)] [(a, c)]
inputPairF :: InF a b -> InF c d -> InF (a, c) (b, d)
inputThroughF :: InF a a -> InF a a
Data entry field postprocessors:
inputDoneSP :: SP (InputMsg a) a
inputLeaveDoneSP :: SP (InputMsg a) a
stripInputSP :: SP (InputMsg a) a
Data entry fields:
type InF a b = F a (InputMsg b)
Delay the activation of a stream processor or fudget:
delayF :: F a b -> F a b
Dynamic fudget creation/destruction:
type DynFMsg a b = DynMsg a (F a b)
dynF :: F a b -> F (Either (F a b) a) b
dynListF :: F (Int, DynFMsg a b) (Int, b)
Plumbing: circular connections:
loopCompF :: F (Either (Either a b) (Either c d)) (Either (Either c e) (Either a f)) -> F (Either b d) (Either e f)
loopF :: F a a -> F a a
loopLeftF :: F (Either a b) (Either a c) -> F b c
loopOnlyF :: F a a -> F a b
loopRightF :: F (Either a b) (Either c b) -> F a c
loopThroughBothF :: F (Either a b) (Either c d) -> F (Either c e) (Either a f) -> F (Either b e) (Either d f)
loopThroughRightF :: F (Either a b) (Either c d) -> F c a -> F b d
Plumbing: common patterns of serial and parallel compositions:
bypassF :: F a a -> F a a
idLeftF :: F a b -> F (Either c a) (Either c b)
idRightF :: F a b -> F (Either a c) (Either b c)
stubF :: F a b -> F c d
throughF :: F a b -> F a (Either b a)
toBothF :: F a (Either a a)
Plumbing: serial composition:
serCompF :: F a b -> F c a -> F c b
Plumbing: tagged parallel composition:
compF :: F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
listF :: (Eq a) => [(a, F b c)] -> F (a, b) (a, c)
Plumbing: turn parallel compositions into loops:
loopCompThroughLeftF :: F (Either a (Either b c)) (Either b (Either a d)) -> F c d
loopCompThroughRightF :: F (Either (Either a b) c) (Either (Either c d) a) -> F b d
Plumbing: turning parallel compositions into serial compositions:
serCompLeftToRightF :: F (Either a b) (Either b c) -> F a c
serCompRightToLeftF :: F (Either a b) (Either c a) -> F b c
Plumbing: untagged parallel composition:
untaggedListF :: [F a b] -> F a b
Stream processor combinators that create circular connections:
loopCompSP :: SP (Either (Either a b) (Either c d)) (Either (Either c e) (Either a f)) -> SP (Either b d) (Either e f)
loopThroughBothSP :: SP (Either a b) (Either c d) -> SP (Either c e) (Either a f) -> SP (Either b e) (Either d f)
The Fudget type:
data F a b
The fudget kernel type:
data K a b
The identity fudget:
idF :: F a a
Miscellaneous (the rest):
type Cont a b = (b -> a) -> a
type Ks a b c d = Ms (K a b) c d
type Ksc a b c = Ks a b c ()
type Msc a b = Ms a b ()
type Ms a b c = Mk (b -> a) c
type Mkc a = Mk a ()
type Mk a b = Cont a b
data Tree a = ...
appendStartF :: [a] -> F b a -> F b a
appendStartK :: [KCommand a] -> K b a -> K b a
appendStartMessageF :: [FCommand a] -> F b a -> F b a
bindKs :: Ks a b c d -> (d -> Ks a b c e) -> Ks a b c e
bindMk :: Mk a b -> (b -> Mk a c) -> Mk a c
bindMs :: Ms a b c -> (c -> Ms a b d) -> Ms a b d
bmk :: ((a -> b) -> c) -> (a -> d -> b) -> d -> c
branchF :: F (Path, a) b -> F (Path, a) b -> F (Path, a) b
branchFSP :: FSP (Path, a) b -> FSP (Path, a) b -> FSP (Path, a) b
compPath :: (Path, a) -> b -> (Either (Message (Path, a) c) (Message (Path, a) d) -> b) -> b
compTurnLeft :: (Path, a) -> Message (Path, a) b
compTurnRight :: (Path, a) -> Message (Path, a) b
contDynF :: F a b -> Cont (F a c) b
contDynFSP :: FSP a b -> Cont (FSP a c) b
fieldMs :: (a -> b) -> Ms c a b
getF :: Cont (F a b) a
getK :: Cont (K a b) (KEvent a)
getKs :: Ks a b c (KEvent a)
getMessageF :: Cont (F a b) (FEvent a)
getMessageFu :: Cont (F a b) (KEvent a)
ifMs :: Bool -> Ms a b () -> Ms a b ()
inputListLF :: (Eq a) => Placer -> [(a, InF b c)] -> F [(a, b)] (InputMsg [(a, c)])
inputListSP :: (Eq a) => [a] -> SP (a, InputMsg b) (InputMsg [(a, b)])
inputPairLF :: Orientation -> InF a b -> InF c d -> F (a, c) (InputMsg (b, d))
inputPairSP :: SP (Either (InputMsg a) (InputMsg b)) (InputMsg (a, b))
leafF :: a -> F b c -> Fa TEvent TCommand ([d], b) (a, c)
loadKs :: Ks a b c c
loadMs :: Ms a b b
loopLow :: SP TCommand (FCommand a) -> SP (FEvent a) TEvent -> F b c -> F b c
loopThroughLowF :: SP (Either TCommand TEvent) (Either TCommand TEvent) -> F a b -> F a b
loopThroughLowSP :: SP (Either a b) (Either a b) -> SP (Message b c) (Message a d) -> SP (Message b c) (Message a d)
mapKs :: (a -> b) -> Ks c d e a -> Ks c d e b
modMs :: (a -> a) -> Msc b a
nopMs :: Ms a b ()
nullF :: F a b
nullK :: K a b
nullKs :: Ks a b c ()
parF :: F a b -> F a b -> F a b
postMapHigh :: (a -> b) -> F c a -> F c b
postMapHigh' :: (a -> b) -> Fa c d e a -> Fa c d e b
postMapHighK :: (a -> b) -> K c a -> K c b
postMapLow :: (TCommand -> TCommand) -> F a b -> F a b
postMapLow' :: (a -> b) -> Fa c a d e -> Fa c b d e
postMapLowK :: (FRequest -> FRequest) -> K a b -> K a b
postProcessHigh :: SP a b -> F c a -> F c b
postProcessHigh' :: SP a b -> Fa c d e a -> Fa c d e b
postProcessHighK :: SP a b -> K c a -> K c b
postProcessLow :: SP TCommand TCommand -> F a b -> F a b
postProcessLow' :: SP a b -> Fa c a d e -> Fa c b d e
postProcessLowK :: SP FRequest FRequest -> K a b -> K a b
preMapHigh :: F a b -> (c -> a) -> F c b
preMapHigh' :: Fa a b c d -> (e -> c) -> Fa a b e d
preMapHighK :: K a b -> (c -> a) -> K c b
preMapLow :: F a b -> (TEvent -> TEvent) -> F a b
preMapLow' :: Fa a b c d -> (e -> a) -> Fa e b c d
preMapLowK :: K a b -> (FResponse -> FResponse) -> K a b
preProcessHigh :: F a b -> SP c a -> F c b
preProcessHigh' :: Fa a b c d -> SP e c -> Fa a b e d
preProcessHighK :: K a b -> SP c a -> K c b
preProcessLow :: F a b -> SP TEvent TEvent -> F a b
preProcessLow' :: Fa a b c d -> SP e a -> Fa e b c d
preProcessLowK :: K a b -> SP FResponse FResponse -> K a b
prepostMapHigh :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> F b c -> F a d
prepostMapHigh' :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Fa e f b c -> Fa e f a d
prepostMapHighK :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> K b c -> K a d
prepostMapLow :: (TEvent -> TEvent) -> (TCommand -> TCommand) -> F a b -> F a b
prepostMapLow' :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Fa b c e f -> Fa a d e f
prepostMapLowK :: (FResponse -> FResponse) -> (FRequest -> FRequest) -> K a b -> K a b
prodF :: F a b -> F c d -> F (a, c) (Either b d)
putF :: a -> F b a -> F b a
putK :: KCommand a -> K b a -> K b a
putKs :: KCommand a -> Ksc b a c
putMessageF :: FCommand a -> F b a -> F b a
putMessageFu :: Message FRequest a -> F b a -> F b a
putMessagesF :: [FCommand a] -> F b a -> F b a
putMessagesFu :: [KCommand a] -> F b a -> F b a
putsF :: [a] -> F b a -> F b a
putsK :: [KCommand a] -> K b a -> K b a
putsKs :: [KCommand a] -> Ksc b a c
startupF :: [a] -> F a b -> F a b
startupK :: [KEvent a] -> K a b -> K a b
startupMessageF :: [FEvent a] -> F a b -> F a b
stateK :: a -> Ksc b c a -> K b c -> K b c
stateMonadK :: a -> Ks b c a d -> (d -> K b c) -> K b c
storeKs :: a -> Ks b c a ()
storeMs :: a -> Msc b a
thenKs :: Ks a b c () -> Ks a b c d -> Ks a b c d
thenMk :: Mkc a -> Mk a b -> Mk a b
thenMs :: Msc a b -> Ms a b c -> Ms a b c
toMkc :: (a -> a) -> Mkc a
toMs :: Mk a b -> Ms a c b
toMsc :: (a -> a) -> Msc a b
treeF :: Tree (a, F b c) -> F (Path, b) (a, c)
treeF' :: Tree (a, F b c) -> FSP (Path, b) (a, c)
unitKs :: a -> Ks b c d a
unitMk :: a -> Mk b a
unitMs :: a -> Ms b c a


Plumbing: serial composition:
infixr 4 >==<
>==< :: F a b -> F c a -> F c b
Plumbing: tagged parallel composition:
infixl 5 >+<
>+< :: F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
Plumbing: untagged parallel composition:
infixl 5 >*<
>*< :: F a b -> F a b -> F a b
Miscellaneous (the rest):
infixr 8 -*-
-*- :: SP a b -> SP a b -> SP a b
infixr 8 -+-
-+- :: SP a b -> SP c d -> SP (Either a c) (Either b d)
infixr 8 -==-
-==- :: SP a b -> SP c a -> SP c b
infixl 9 >#+<
>#+< :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
infixl 9 >#==<
>#==< :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c a -> F c b
infixl 9 >+#<
>+#< :: F a b -> (Distance, Orientation, F c d) -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
infixr 5 >..=<
>..=< :: SP TCommand TCommand -> F a b -> F a b
infixr 6 >.=<
>.=< :: (TCommand -> TCommand) -> F a b -> F a b
infixl 6 >=..<
>=..< :: F a b -> SP TEvent TEvent -> F a b
infixl 6 >=.<
>=.< :: F a b -> (TEvent -> TEvent) -> F a b
infixl 9 >==#<
>==#< :: F a b -> (Distance, Orientation, F c a) -> F c b
infixl 6 >=^<
>=^< :: F a b -> (c -> a) -> F c b
infixl 6 >=^^<
>=^^< :: F a b -> SP c a -> F c b
infixr 7 >^=<
>^=< :: (a -> b) -> F c a -> F c b
infixr 7 >^^=<
>^^=< :: SP a b -> F c a -> F c b


A spacer that centers a box in the available space:
centerS :: Spacer
GUI fudget placement:
data Placer = ...
alignF :: Size -> Size -> Alignment -> Alignment -> F a b -> F a b
hBoxF :: F a b -> F a b
marginHVAlignF :: Distance -> Alignment -> Alignment -> F a b -> F a b
matrixF :: Int -> F a b -> F a b
noStretchF :: Bool -> Bool -> F a b -> F a b
placerF :: Placer -> F a b -> F a b
revHBoxF :: F a b -> F a b
revVBoxF :: F a b -> F a b
tableF :: Int -> F a b -> F a b
vBoxF :: F a b -> F a b
GUI fudget spacing:
data Spacer = ...
spacerF :: Spacer -> F a b -> F a b
Name layout:
data NameLayout
hBoxNL :: [NameLayout] -> NameLayout
hBoxNL' :: Distance -> [NameLayout] -> NameLayout
hvAlignNL :: Alignment -> Alignment -> NameLayout -> NameLayout
leafNL :: LName -> NameLayout
marginHVAlignNL :: Distance -> Alignment -> Alignment -> NameLayout -> NameLayout
marginNL :: Distance -> NameLayout -> NameLayout
modNL :: (Placer -> Placer) -> NameLayout -> NameLayout
nameLayoutF :: NameLayout -> F a b -> F a b
nullNL :: NameLayout
placeNL :: Placer -> [NameLayout] -> NameLayout
sepNL :: Size -> NameLayout -> NameLayout
spaceNL :: Spacer -> NameLayout -> NameLayout
vBoxNL :: [NameLayout] -> NameLayout
vBoxNL' :: Distance -> [NameLayout] -> NameLayout
Placer modifying combinators:
flipP :: Placer -> Placer
revP :: Placer -> Placer
Placers for creating matrixes:
data LayoutDir = ...
matrixP :: Int -> Placer
matrixP' :: Int -> LayoutDir -> Distance -> Placer
Placers for creating tables:
tableP :: Int -> Placer
tableP' :: Int -> LayoutDir -> Distance -> Placer
Placers for vertical and horizontal placement:
horizontalP :: Placer
verticalP :: Placer
Spacer combinators:
compS :: Spacer -> Spacer -> Spacer
flipS :: Spacer -> Spacer
idS :: Spacer
Spacers that add margins to boxes:
type Distance = Int
hMarginS :: Distance -> Distance -> Spacer
hvMarginS :: Size -> Size -> Spacer
marginS :: Distance -> Spacer
vMarginS :: Distance -> Distance -> Spacer
Spacers that add space instead of stretching a box when there is extra space:
hAlignS :: Alignment -> Spacer
hvAlignS :: Alignment -> Alignment -> Spacer
vAlignS :: Alignment -> Spacer
Spacers that align boxes with edges:
bottomS :: Spacer
hCenterS :: Spacer
leftS :: Spacer
rightS :: Spacer
topS :: Spacer
vCenterS :: Spacer
Miscellaneous (the rest):
type Alignment = Double
data Orientation = ...
data LayoutDirection = ...
data LayoutRequest = ...
data LayoutMessage = ...
data LayoutResponse = ...
type Placer1 = [LayoutRequest] -> Placer2
type Placer2 = (LayoutRequest, Rect -> [Rect])
type Spacer1 = LayoutRequest -> Spacer2
type Spacer2 = (LayoutRequest, Rect -> Rect)
type LayoutHint = String
data Layout
type LName = String
data Sizing = ...
aBottom :: Alignment
aCenter :: Alignment
aLeft :: Alignment
aRight :: Alignment
aTop :: Alignment
alignFixedS :: Alignment -> Alignment -> Spacer
alignFixedS' :: Alignment -> Alignment -> Spacer
alignP :: Placer
alignP' :: Distance -> Placer
atLeastOne :: ([a], [a]) -> ([a], [a])
autoLayoutF :: F a b -> F a b
autoLayoutF' :: Bool -> Sizing -> F a b -> F a b
autoP :: Placer
autoP' :: Size -> Placer
center :: Size -> Rect -> Rect
center' :: Point -> Size -> Rect -> Rect
colinear :: LayoutDir -> a -> a -> a
compLF :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
dynListLF :: Placer -> F (Int, DynFMsg a b) (Int, b)
dynPlacerF :: F a b -> F (Either Placer a) b
dynSpacerF :: F a b -> F (Either Spacer a) b
fixedh :: LayoutRequest -> Bool
fixedv :: LayoutRequest -> Bool
fixh :: LayoutDir -> LayoutRequest -> Bool
fixv :: LayoutDir -> LayoutRequest -> Bool
flipPoint :: Point -> Point
flipRect :: Rect -> Rect
flipReq :: LayoutRequest -> LayoutRequest
flipWanted :: (Point, Point, a) -> (Point, Point, a)
hAdj :: LayoutRequest -> Int -> Size
hBoxLs' :: Distance -> [Layout] -> Layout
holeF :: F a b
holeF' :: Size -> F a b
horizontalAlignP :: Placer
horizontalAlignP' :: Distance -> Placer
horizontalCenterP :: Placer
horizontalCenterP' :: Distance -> Placer
horizontalP' :: Distance -> Placer
hvAlignLs :: Alignment -> Alignment -> Layout -> Layout
idP :: Placer
ifSizeP :: (Size -> Size -> Bool) -> Placer -> Placer -> Placer
ifSizeS :: (Size -> Size -> Bool) -> Spacer -> Spacer -> Spacer
lF :: Int -> LayoutDirection -> Placer -> F a b -> F a b
layoutF :: Layout -> F a b -> F a b
layoutMakeVisible :: Rect -> LayoutMessage
layoutModifierF :: (LayoutRequest -> LayoutRequest) -> F a b -> F a b
layoutModifierS :: (LayoutRequest -> LayoutRequest) -> Spacer
leafLs :: Layout
linearP :: LayoutDir -> Distance -> Placer
listLF :: (Eq a) => Placer -> [(a, F b c)] -> F (a, b) (a, c)
listNF :: (Eq a, Show a) => [(a, F b c)] -> F (a, b) (a, c)
mapAdjLayoutSize :: (Size -> Size) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> LayoutRequest -> LayoutRequest
mapLayout :: (Size -> Bool -> Bool -> (Int -> Size) -> (Int -> Size) -> [Point] -> Maybe (Point, Size, Alignment) -> a) -> LayoutRequest -> a
mapLayoutRefs :: (Point -> Point) -> LayoutRequest -> LayoutRequest
mapLayoutSize :: (Size -> Size) -> LayoutRequest -> LayoutRequest
mapP :: (Placer1 -> Placer1) -> Placer -> Placer
mapS :: (Spacer1 -> Spacer1) -> Spacer -> Spacer
marginF :: Distance -> F a b -> F a b
marginHVAlignLs :: Distance -> Alignment -> Alignment -> Layout -> Layout
marginHVAlignS :: Distance -> Alignment -> Alignment -> Spacer
marginLs :: Distance -> Layout -> Layout
maxSizeS :: Size -> Spacer
middleRefs :: Point -> (Point, Point)
minSizeS :: Size -> Spacer
minsize :: LayoutRequest -> Size
mkp :: LayoutDir -> Int -> Int -> Point
moveRefsS :: Point -> Spacer
nameF :: LName -> F a b -> F a b
newSize :: Sizing -> Point -> Point -> Point
noRefsS :: Spacer
noStretchS :: Bool -> Bool -> Spacer
nowait :: Bool
nullLF :: F a b
orientP :: Orientation -> Placer
orthogonal :: LayoutDir -> a -> a -> a
overlayAlignP :: Placer
overlayP :: Placer
paragraphP :: Placer
paragraphP' :: Size -> Placer
paragraphP'' :: (Int -> Placer) -> Size -> Placer
permLs :: [Int] -> Layout -> Layout
permuteP :: [Int] -> Placer -> Placer
placeLs :: Placer -> [Layout] -> Layout
plainLayout :: Size -> Bool -> Bool -> LayoutRequest
refEdgesS :: Spacer
refMiddleS :: Spacer
refMiddleS' :: LayoutRequest -> (LayoutRequest, a -> a)
refpLayout :: Size -> Bool -> Bool -> [Point] -> LayoutRequest
refpoints :: LayoutRequest -> [Point]
resizeS :: (Size -> Size) -> Spacer
revLs :: Layout -> Layout
sepF :: Size -> F a b -> F a b
sepLs :: Size -> Layout -> Layout
sepS :: Size -> Spacer
serCompLF :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c a -> F c b
sizeS :: Size -> Spacer
spaceLs :: Spacer -> Layout -> Layout
spacer1F :: Spacer -> F a b -> F a b
spacerP :: Spacer -> Placer -> Placer
spacersP :: Placer -> [Spacer] -> Placer
stretchCaseS :: ((Bool, Bool) -> Spacer) -> Spacer
tryLayoutK :: LayoutRequest -> Cont (K a b) Size
unP :: Placer -> Placer1
unS :: Spacer -> Spacer1
untaggedListLF :: Placer -> [F a b] -> F (Int, a) b
userLayoutF :: F a b -> F (Either (Path, Rect) a) (Either (Path, LayoutMessage) b)
vBoxLs' :: Distance -> [Layout] -> Layout
verticalLeftP :: Placer
verticalLeftP' :: Distance -> Placer
verticalP' :: Distance -> Placer
vswap :: LayoutDir -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
wAdj :: LayoutRequest -> Int -> Size
wantedPos :: LayoutRequest -> Maybe (Point, Size, Alignment)
xc :: LayoutDir -> Point -> Int
yc :: LayoutDir -> Point -> Int


Scroll bars:
hScrollF :: F a b -> F a b
scrollF :: F a b -> F a b
vScrollF :: F a b -> F a b
Shell (top level windows):
unmappedShellF :: [FRequest] -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
unmappedShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> [FRequest] -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
unmappedSimpleShellF :: String -> F a b -> F a b
Shell (top level) windows:
data ShellF
data DeleteWindowAction = ...
class HasClickToType a where ...
class HasVisible a where ...
setDeleteQuit :: Bool -> Customiser ShellF
setDeleteWindowAction :: Maybe DeleteWindowAction -> Customiser ShellF
setInitPos :: Maybe Point -> Customiser ShellF
shellF :: String -> F a b -> F a b
shellF' :: Customiser ShellF -> String -> F a b -> F a b
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data PotRequest = ...
type PotState = (Int, Int, Int)
data SelCmd a = ...
data SelEvt a = ...
data ESelCmd a = ...
data ESelEvt a = ...
bubbleF :: F a b -> F a b
bubblePopupF :: F a b -> F (PopupMsg a) b
bubbleRootPopupF :: F a b -> F (PopupMsg a) b
containerGroupF :: Rect -> Rect -> Int -> Button -> ModState -> F a b -> F (Either (Rect, Rect) a) (Either Rect b)
eselectionF :: F (ESelCmd String) (ESelEvt String)
getDeleteWindowActionMaybe' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> Maybe (Maybe DeleteWindowAction)
grabScrollKeys :: Bool
groupF :: [FRequest] -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
groupF' :: Sizing -> [FRequest] -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
hPotF :: F PotRequest (Int, Int, Int)
hPotF' :: Bool -> Maybe Point -> F PotRequest (Int, Int, Int)
invisibleGroupF :: Sizing -> [FRequest] -> [WindowAttributes] -> F a b -> F a b
mapWindowK :: K Bool a
oldHscrollF :: Bool -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
oldScrollF :: Bool -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
oldVscrollF :: Bool -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
popupGroupF :: (Size -> Point, [WindowAttributes], K a b) -> F c d -> F (PopupMsg c) d
popupShellF :: String -> Maybe Point -> F a b -> F a (a, b)
popupShellF' :: Customiser ShellF -> String -> Maybe Point -> F a b -> F a (a, b)
posPopupShellF :: String -> [WindowAttributes] -> F a b -> F (a, Maybe Point) (a, b)
rootGroupF :: K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
rootPopupF :: (Size -> Point, [WindowAttributes], K a b) -> F c d -> F (PopupMsg c) d
rootWindowF :: K a b -> F a b
sF :: Bool -> Maybe Point -> [FRequest] -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
scrollShellF :: String -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
selectionF :: F (SelCmd String) (SelEvt String)
setFocusMgr :: Bool -> Customiser ShellF
sgroupF :: Sizing -> [FRequest] -> Maybe Rect -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
shellKF :: K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
shellKF' :: Customiser ShellF -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
simpleGroupF :: [WindowAttributes] -> F a b -> F a b
simpleShellF :: String -> [WindowAttributes] -> F a b -> F a b
swindowF :: [FRequest] -> Maybe Rect -> K a b -> F a b
unmappedGroupF :: Sizing -> [FRequest] -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
unmappedSimpleShellF' :: Customiser ShellF -> String -> F a b -> F a b
vPotF :: F PotRequest (Int, Int, Int)
vPotF' :: Bool -> Maybe Point -> F PotRequest (Int, Int, Int)
windowF :: [FRequest] -> K a b -> F a b


Miscellaneous (the rest):
allcacheF :: F a b -> F a b
bitmapdatacacheF :: F a b -> F a b
bitmapfilecacheF :: F a b -> F a b
colorcacheF :: F a b -> F a b
doubleClickF :: Time -> F a b -> F a b
fontcacheF :: F a b -> F a b
fontcursorcacheF :: F a b -> F a b
fstructcacheF :: F a b -> F a b
gCcacheF :: F a b -> F a b
shapeGroupMgr :: F a b -> F a b


data BitmapFile = ...
data GCSpec = ...
data Drawing b a = ...
atomicD :: a -> Drawing b a
attribD :: GCSpec -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
fgD :: (Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> Drawing b c -> Drawing b c
fontD :: (Show a, FontGen a) => a -> Drawing b c -> Drawing b c
hardAttribD :: GCtx -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
hboxD :: [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
hboxD' :: Distance -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
labelD :: a -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
matrixD :: Int -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
matrixD' :: Distance -> Int -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
softAttribD :: [GCAttributes ColorSpec FontSpec] -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
tableD :: Int -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
tableD' :: Distance -> Int -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
vboxD :: [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
vboxD' :: Distance -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
Drawing attributes:
data ColorSpec = ...
data FontSpec = ...
class ColorGen a where ...
class FontGen a where ...
data GCtx = ...
colorSpec :: (Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> ColorSpec
createGCtx :: (Show b, FontGen b, FudgetIO e, Show a, ColorGen a) => Drawable -> GCtx -> [GCAttributes a b] -> (GCtx -> e c d) -> e c d
fontSpec :: (Show a, FontGen a) => a -> FontSpec
gcBgA :: a -> [GCAttributes a FontSpec]
gcFgA :: a -> [GCAttributes a FontSpec]
gcFontA :: a -> [GCAttributes ColorSpec a]
gctx2gc :: GCtx -> GCId
pmCreateGCtx :: (Show b, FontGen b, FudgetIO e, Show a, ColorGen a) => PixmapId -> GCtx -> [GCAttributes a b] -> (GCtx -> e c d) -> e c d
rootGCtx :: GCtx
wCreateGCtx :: (Show b, FontGen b, FudgetIO e, Show a, ColorGen a) => GCtx -> [GCAttributes a b] -> (GCtx -> e c d) -> e c d
Drawing manipulation:
type DPath = [Int]
deletePart :: Drawing a b -> [Int] -> Drawing a b
drawingAnnots :: Drawing a b -> [(DPath, a)]
drawingPart :: Drawing a b -> DPath -> Drawing a b
mapLabelDrawing :: (a -> b) -> Drawing a c -> Drawing b c
maybeDrawingPart :: Drawing a b -> DPath -> Maybe (Drawing a b)
replacePart :: Drawing a b -> DPath -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
up :: DPath -> DPath
updatePart :: Drawing a b -> DPath -> (Drawing a b -> Drawing a b) -> Drawing a b
Fixed size drawings:
data FixedDrawing = ...
data FixedColorDrawing = ...
Flexible line drawings:
data FlexibleDrawing = ...
arc :: Int -> Int -> FlexibleDrawing
ellipse :: FlexibleDrawing
filledTriangleDown :: FlexibleDrawing
filledTriangleUp :: FlexibleDrawing
filler :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> FlexibleDrawing
flex :: (Rect -> [DrawCommand]) -> FlexibleDrawing
flex' :: Size -> (Rect -> [DrawCommand]) -> FlexibleDrawing
frame :: FlexibleDrawing
frame' :: Size -> FlexibleDrawing
hFiller :: Int -> FlexibleDrawing
lAngleBracket :: FlexibleDrawing
lbrace :: FlexibleDrawing
lbrack :: FlexibleDrawing
lpar :: FlexibleDrawing
rAngleBracket :: FlexibleDrawing
rbrace :: FlexibleDrawing
rbrack :: FlexibleDrawing
rpar :: FlexibleDrawing
vFiller :: Int -> FlexibleDrawing
Font metrics:
data FontStruct
font_ascent :: FontStruct -> Int
font_descent :: FontStruct -> Int
font_id :: FontStruct -> FontId
font_range :: FontStruct -> (Char, Char)
linespace :: FontStruct -> Int
next_pos :: FontStruct -> [Char] -> Int
poslist :: FontStruct -> [Char] -> [Int]
split_string :: FontStruct -> String -> Int -> (String, String, Int)
string_bounds :: FontStruct -> [Char] -> Rect
string_box_size :: FontStruct -> [Char] -> Point
string_len :: FontStruct -> [Char] -> Int
string_rect :: FontStruct -> [Char] -> Rect
data Gfx = ...
class Graphic a where ...
g :: (Graphic a) => a -> Drawing b Gfx
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data CharStruct = ...
data FontDirection = ...
data FontStructList = ...
data FontData = ...
type Cont a b = (b -> a) -> a
data MeasuredGraphics
data PixmapImage = ...
class PixmapGen a where ...
abPoints :: Rect -> [Point]
abPoints' :: Rect -> [Point]
allocColor :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> RGB -> Cont (c a b) Color
allocColorF :: ColormapId -> RGB -> Cont (F a b) Color
allocColorPixel :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> RGB -> Cont (c a b) Pixel
allocColorPixelF :: ColormapId -> RGB -> Cont (F a b) Pixel
allocNamedColor :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> ColorName -> Cont (c a b) Color
allocNamedColorDef :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> ColorName -> [Char] -> Cont (c a b) Color
allocNamedColorDefPixel :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> ColorName -> [Char] -> (Pixel -> c a b) -> c a b
allocNamedColorF :: ColormapId -> ColorName -> Cont (F a b) Color
allocNamedColorPixel :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> ColorName -> Cont (c a b) Pixel
allocNamedColorPixelF :: ColormapId -> ColorName -> Cont (F a b) Pixel
annotChildren :: Drawing a b -> [(DPath, Drawing a b)]
annotChildren' :: (a -> Bool) -> Drawing a b -> [(DPath, Drawing a b)]
arc' :: Size -> Int -> Int -> FlexibleDrawing
bFlex :: (Rect -> [DrawCommand]) -> FlexibleDrawing
bFlex' :: Size -> (Rect -> [DrawCommand]) -> FlexibleDrawing
bFlex2 :: (Rect -> [DrawCommand]) -> FlexibleDrawing
bgD :: (Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> Drawing b c -> Drawing b c
bitmapFromData :: BitmapData -> Cont (K a b) BitmapReturn
blank :: FlexibleDrawing
blank' :: Size -> FlexibleDrawing
blankD :: Size -> Drawing a Gfx
boxD :: [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
boxVisibleD :: Int -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
braces :: (FlexibleDrawing, FlexibleDrawing)
bracks :: (FlexibleDrawing, FlexibleDrawing)
char_rbearing :: CharStruct -> Int
char_width :: CharStruct -> Int
convColorK :: (Show a, ColorGen a, FudgetIO d) => a -> (Pixel -> d b c) -> d b c
convFontK :: (Show a, FontGen a, FudgetIO d) => a -> (FontData -> d b c) -> d b c
convGCSpecK :: (Show b, FontGen b, FudgetIO e, Show a, ColorGen a) => FontData -> [GCAttributes a b] -> ([GCAttributes Pixel FontId] -> FontData -> e c d) -> e c d
convGCattrsK :: (FudgetIO c) => [GCAttributes ColorName FontName] -> ([GCAttributes Pixel FontId] -> c a b) -> c a b
convList :: (a -> (Maybe b -> c) -> c) -> [a] -> (Maybe b -> c) -> c
corners :: Rect -> (Point, Point, Point, Point)
createFontCursor :: Int -> Cont (K a b) CursorId
createGC :: (FudgetIO c) => Drawable -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> c a b) -> c a b
createGCF :: Drawable -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> F a b) -> F a b
createPixmap :: Size -> Depth -> Cont (K a b) PixmapId
doubleleft :: Rect -> Rect
doubleright :: Rect -> Rect
drawarc :: Int -> Int -> Rect -> [DrawCommand]
drawingAnnotPart :: Drawing a b -> [Int] -> DPath
drawingAnnotPart' :: (a -> Bool) -> Drawing a b -> [Int] -> DPath
drawpoly :: [Point] -> [DrawCommand]
ellipse' :: Size -> FlexibleDrawing
emptyMG :: Size -> MeasuredGraphics
emptyMG' :: LayoutRequest -> MeasuredGraphics
extractParts :: Drawing a b -> (Drawing a b -> Maybe c) -> [(DPath, c)]
fatD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
fdFontId :: FontData -> FontId
fillarc :: Int -> Int -> Rect -> [DrawCommand]
filledEllipse :: FlexibleDrawing
filledEllipse' :: Size -> FlexibleDrawing
filledRectD :: Size -> Drawing a Gfx
filledarc :: Int -> Int -> FlexibleDrawing
filledarc' :: Size -> Int -> Int -> FlexibleDrawing
fillpoly :: [Point] -> [DrawCommand]
fontdata2struct :: (FudgetIO c) => FontData -> (FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
fsl2fs :: FontStructList -> FontStruct
getFontData :: (FudgetIO c) => [Char] -> Cont (c a b) (Maybe FontData)
getWindowId :: Cont (K a b) Window
getWindowRootPoint :: Cont (K a b) Point
hMirror :: (Rect -> [Point]) -> Rect -> [Point]
hboxcD :: [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
hboxcD' :: Distance -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
holeD :: Drawing a Gfx
horizD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
horizD' :: Distance -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
horizcD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
horizcD' :: Distance -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
isVisibleDrawingPart :: Drawing a b -> DPath -> Bool
listFonts :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> Int -> ([FontName] -> c a b) -> c a b
listFontsF :: FontName -> Int -> Cont (F a b) [FontName]
listFontsWithInfo :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> Int -> ([(FontName, FontStruct)] -> c a b) -> c a b
loadFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (FontId -> c a b) -> c a b
loadFontF :: FontName -> Cont (F a b) FontId
loadQueryFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (Maybe FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
loadQueryFontF :: FontName -> Cont (F a b) (Maybe FontStruct)
mapLeafDrawing :: (a -> b) -> Drawing c a -> Drawing c b
measureImageK :: (PixmapGen a) => a -> GCtx -> (MeasuredGraphics -> K b c) -> K b c
measureText :: (Show a) => a -> GCtx -> (MeasuredGraphics -> K b c) -> K b c
northwestD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
padD :: Distance -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
padFD :: Int -> FlexibleDrawing -> FlexibleDrawing
placedD :: Placer -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
pmCreateGC :: (FudgetIO c) => PixmapId -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> c a b) -> c a b
pmCreateGCF :: PixmapId -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> F a b) -> F a b
queryColor :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> Pixel -> (Color -> c a b) -> c a b
queryColorF :: ColormapId -> Pixel -> Cont (F a b) Color
queryFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontId -> (FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
queryFontF :: FontId -> Cont (F a b) FontStruct
readBitmapFile :: FilePath -> Cont (K a b) BitmapReturn
rectD :: Size -> Drawing a Gfx
safeLoadQueryFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
safeLoadQueryFontF :: FontName -> (FontStruct -> F a b) -> F a b
setFontCursor :: Int -> K a b -> K a b
shrink :: Rect -> Rect
size :: Point
spacedD :: Spacer -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
stackD :: [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
triangleDown :: FlexibleDrawing
trianglePoints :: Rect -> [Point]
trianglePoints' :: Rect -> [Point]
triangleUp :: FlexibleDrawing
tryAllocColor :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> RGB -> (Maybe Color -> c a b) -> c a b
tryAllocColorF :: ColormapId -> RGB -> Cont (F a b) (Maybe Color)
tryAllocNamedColor :: (FudgetIO c) => ColormapId -> ColorName -> (Maybe Color -> c a b) -> c a b
tryAllocNamedColorF :: ColormapId -> ColorName -> Cont (F a b) (Maybe Color)
tryConvColorRGBK :: (FudgetIO c) => RGB -> (Maybe Pixel -> c a b) -> c a b
tryLoadFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (Maybe FontId -> c a b) -> c a b
usefontstructs :: [Char]
vMirror :: (Rect -> [Point]) -> Rect -> [Point]
vboxlD :: [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
vboxlD' :: Distance -> [Drawing a b] -> Drawing a b
vertD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
vertD' :: Distance -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
vertlD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
vertlD' :: Distance -> Drawing a b -> Drawing a b
visibleAncestor :: Drawing a b -> DPath -> [Int]
wCreateGC :: (FudgetIO c) => GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> c a b) -> c a b
wCreateGCF :: GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> F a b) -> F a b
westD :: Drawing a b -> Drawing a b


Miscellaneous (the rest):
type Drawer = DrawCommand -> FRequest
type Fms' a b c = MapState a (KEvent b) [KCommand c]
type MapState a b c = a -> b -> (a, c)
changeBackPixel :: (Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> K b c -> K b c
changeBackPixmap :: (Show a, ColorGen a, Show b, ColorGen b) => a -> b -> Size -> [DrawCommand] -> K c d -> K c d
changeBg :: ColorName -> K a b -> K a b
changeGetBackPixel :: (Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> (Pixel -> K b c) -> K b c
compK :: K a b -> K c d -> K (Either a c) (Either b d)
darkGreyBgK :: K a b -> K a b
defaultRootWindowF :: Cont (F a b) Window
defaultRootWindowK :: Cont (K a b) Window
defaultVisual :: (FudgetIO c) => (Visual -> c a b) -> c a b
dynShapeK :: [GCAttributes ColorName FontName] -> (Size -> [DrawCommand]) -> K a b -> K (Either (Size -> [DrawCommand]) a) (Either c b)
exitK :: a -> K b c
getGeometryK :: Cont (K a b) (Rect, Int, Int)
getWindowPropertyK :: Int -> Atom -> Bool -> Atom -> Cont (K a b) (Atom, Int, Int, Int, String)
greyBgK :: K a b -> K a b
internAtomK :: String -> Bool -> Cont (K a b) Atom
knobBgK :: K a b -> K a b
lightGreyBgK :: K a b -> K a b
mapstateK :: (a -> KEvent b -> (a, [KCommand c])) -> a -> K b c
parK :: K a b -> K a b -> K a b
queryPointerK :: Cont (K a b) (Bool, Point, Point, ModState)
queryTreeF :: Cont (F a b) (Window, Window, [Window])
queryTreeK :: Cont (K a b) (Window, Window, [Window])
quitK :: (K (Either String Bool) a -> K (Either String Bool) a) -> K b c
reportK :: K a () -> K a ()
shapeK :: (Size -> [DrawCommand]) -> K a b -> K a b
simpleF :: String -> (Drawer -> Drawer -> Fms' a b c) -> Size -> a -> F b c
simpleK :: (Drawer -> Drawer -> Fms' a b c) -> Size -> a -> K b c
unmapWindowK :: K a b -> K a b
wmDeleteWindowK :: (Atom -> K a b) -> K a b
wmK :: Maybe (K (Either String Bool) a -> K (Either String Bool) a) -> K (Either String Bool) a


A stream processor that splits a stream of pairs:
splitSP :: SP (a, b) (Either a b)
Delay the activation of a stream processor or fudget:
delaySP :: SP a b -> SP a b
Stream processor combinators that create circular connections:
loopLeftSP :: SP (Either a b) (Either a c) -> SP b c
loopSP :: SP a a -> SP a a
Stream processor equivalents of some common list processing functions:
chopSP :: ((a -> SP b a) -> SP b a) -> SP b a
concatMapAccumlSP :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> SP b c
concatMapSP :: (a -> [b]) -> SP a b
concatSP :: SP [a] a
filterSP :: (a -> Bool) -> SP a a
idSP :: SP a a
mapAccumlSP :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> SP b c
mapSP :: (a -> b) -> SP a b
splitAtElemSP :: (a -> Bool) -> Cont (SP a b) [a]
zipSP :: [a] -> SP b (a, b)
Stream processor input operation:
getSP :: Cont (SP a b) a
Stream processor manipulation:
startupSP :: [a] -> SP a b -> SP a b
Stream processor output operation:
putSP :: a -> SP b a -> SP b a
The function that turns a stream processor into a list processing function:
runSP :: SP a b -> [a] -> [b]
The idle stream processor:
nullSP :: SP a b
The type of plain stream processors:
data SP a b
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data DynMsg b a = ...
type DynSPMsg a b = DynMsg a (SP a b)
type SPm a b c = Mk (SP a b) c
type SPms a b c d = Ms (SP a b) c d
type Cont a b = (b -> a) -> a
class StreamProcIO a where ...
appendStartSP :: [a] -> SP b a -> SP b a
bindSPm :: SPm a b c -> (c -> SPm a b d) -> SPm a b d
bindSPms :: SPms a b c d -> (d -> SPms a b c e) -> SPms a b c e
compEitherSP :: SP a b -> SP c d -> SP (Either a c) (Either b d)
compMsgSP :: SP a b -> SP c d -> SP (Message a c) (Message b d)
compSP :: SP a b -> SP c d -> SP (Either a c) (Either b d)
concSP :: SP [a] a
concmapSP :: (a -> [b]) -> SP a b
dynforkmerge :: (Eq a) => SP (a, DynSPMsg b c) (a, c)
feedSP :: a -> [a] -> SP a b -> SP a b
filterJustSP :: SP (Maybe a) a
filterLeftSP :: SP (Either a b) a
filterRightSP :: SP (Either a b) b
getSPm :: SPm a b a
getSPms :: SPms a b c a
idHighSP :: SP a b -> SP (Message a c) (Message b c)
idLeftSP :: SP a b -> SP (Either c a) (Either c b)
idLowSP :: SP a b -> SP (Message c a) (Message c b)
idRightSP :: SP a b -> SP (Either a c) (Either b c)
idempotSP :: (Eq a) => SP a a
interpSP :: (a -> b -> b) -> ((c -> b) -> b) -> b -> SP c a -> b
loadSPms :: SPms a b c c
loopOnlySP :: SP a a -> SP a b
loopThroughRightSP :: SP (Either a b) (Either c d) -> SP c a -> SP b d
mapFilterSP :: (a -> Maybe b) -> SP a b
mapSPms :: (a -> b) -> SPms c d e a -> SPms c d e b
mapstateSP :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> SP b c
monadSP :: SPm a b () -> SP a b
nullSPm :: SPm a b ()
nullSPms :: SPms a b c ()
parSP :: SP a b -> SP a b -> SP a b
postMapSP :: (a -> b) -> SP c a -> SP c b
preMapSP :: SP a b -> (c -> a) -> SP c b
prepostMapSP :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> SP b c -> SP a d
pullSP :: SP a b -> ([b], SP a b)
putSPm :: a -> SPm b a ()
putSPms :: a -> SPms b a c ()
puts :: (StreamProcIO c) => [a] -> c b a -> c b a
putsSP :: [a] -> SP b a -> SP b a
putsSPm :: [a] -> SPm b a ()
putsSPms :: [a] -> SPms b a c ()
seqSP :: SP a b -> SP a b -> SP a b
serCompSP :: SP a b -> SP c a -> SP c b
stateMonadSP :: a -> SPms b c a d -> (d -> SP b c) -> SP b c
stepSP :: [a] -> Cont (SP b a) b
storeSPms :: a -> SPms b c a ()
thenSPm :: SPm a b () -> SPm a b c -> SPm a b c
thenSPms :: SPms a b c () -> SPms a b c d -> SPms a b c d
toBothSP :: SP a (Either a a)
toSPm :: SP a b -> SPm a b ()
unitSPm :: a -> SPm b c a
unitSPms :: a -> SPms b c d a
walkSP :: SP a b -> a -> ([b], SP a b)


A fudget that outputs ticks after specific delays and/or at specific intervals:
data Tick = ...
timerF :: F (Maybe (Int, Int)) Tick
File system access:
readDirF :: F String (String, Either D_IOError [String])
readFileF :: F String (String, Either D_IOError String)
writeFileF :: F (String, String) (String, Either D_IOError ())
Haskell Dialogue IO:
hIO :: (FudgetIO c) => Request -> (_Response -> c a b) -> c a b
hIOF :: Request -> (Response -> F a b) -> F a b
hIOSucc :: (FudgetIO c) => Request -> c a b -> c a b
hIOSuccF :: Request -> F a b -> F a b
hIOerr :: (FudgetIO c) => Request -> (D_IOError -> c a b) -> (_Response -> c a b) -> c a b
hIOerrF :: Request -> (IOError -> F a b) -> (Response -> F a b) -> F a b
haskellIO :: (FudgetIO c) => Request -> (Response -> c a b) -> c a b
haskellIOF :: Request -> (Response -> F a b) -> F a b
asyncTransceiverF :: Socket -> F [Char] String
asyncTransmitterF :: Socket -> F [Char] a
openFileAsSocketErrF :: (FudgetIO c) => String -> String -> (D_IOError -> c a b) -> (Socket -> c a b) -> c a b
openFileAsSocketF :: (FudgetIO c) => String -> String -> (Socket -> c a b) -> c a b
openLSocketErrF :: (FudgetIO c) => Port -> (D_IOError -> c a b) -> (LSocket -> c a b) -> c a b
openLSocketF :: (FudgetIO c) => Port -> (LSocket -> c a b) -> c a b
openSocketErrF :: (FudgetIO c) => Host -> Port -> (D_IOError -> c a b) -> (Socket -> c a b) -> c a b
openSocketF :: (FudgetIO c) => Host -> Port -> (Socket -> c a b) -> c a b
receiverF :: Socket -> F a String
transceiverF :: Socket -> F [Char] String
transmitterF :: Socket -> F [Char] a
appendChanK :: (FudgetIO c) => String -> String -> c a b -> c a b
echoK :: (FudgetIO c) => [Char] -> c a b -> c a b
inputLinesSP :: SP [Char] [Char]
linesSP :: SP Char [Char]
outputF :: String -> F String a
stderrF :: F String a
stdinF :: F a String
stdioF :: F String String
stdoutF :: F String a
Miscellaneous (the rest):
asyncTransmitterF' :: Socket -> F [Char] ()
closerF :: Socket -> F a b
getLocalTime :: (FudgetIO c) => (CalendarTime -> c a b) -> c a b
getTime :: (FudgetIO c) => (ClockTime -> c a b) -> c a b
ioF :: K a b -> F a b
receiverF' :: Socket -> F a String
subProcessF :: String -> F [Char] (Either String String)
transmitterF' :: Socket -> F [Char] ()
unsafeGetDLValue :: DLValue -> a


sIO :: (FudgetIO c) => SocketRequest -> (SocketResponse -> c a b) -> c a b
sIOerr :: (FudgetIO c) => SocketRequest -> (D_IOError -> c a b) -> (SocketResponse -> c a b) -> c a b
sIOstr :: (FudgetIO c) => SocketRequest -> (String -> c a b) -> c a b
sIOsucc :: (FudgetIO c) => SocketRequest -> c a b -> c a b
select :: (FudgetIO c) => [Descriptor] -> c a b -> c a b
The combinator that connects the main fudget to the Haskell I/O system:
data Fudlogue
fudlogue :: F a b -> IO ()
fudlogue' :: Customiser Fudlogue -> F a b -> IO ()
Miscellaneous (the rest):
type Cont a b = (b -> a) -> a
class HasCache a where ...
class FudgetIO a where ...
adjustBorderWidth :: Int -> Point -> Point
autumnize :: [a] -> [a]
border_width :: Int
cmdContF :: FRequest -> (FResponse -> Maybe a) -> Cont (F b c) a
cmdContK :: FRequest -> (FResponse -> Maybe a) -> Cont (K b c) a
cmdContK' :: KCommand a -> (KEvent b -> Maybe c) -> Cont (K b a) c
cmdContLow :: (FudgetIO d) => FRequest -> (FResponse -> Maybe a) -> (a -> d b c) -> d b c
cmdContMsg :: (FudgetIO d) => KCommand a -> (KEvent b -> Maybe c) -> (c -> d b a) -> d b a
cmdContSP :: a -> (b -> Maybe c) -> Cont (SP b a) c
contMap :: (StreamProcIO c) => (a -> (b -> c a b) -> c a b) -> c a b
conts :: (a -> Cont b c) -> [a] -> Cont b [c]
dropSP :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> SP a c) -> SP a c
fContWrap :: Cont (FSP a b) c -> Cont (F a b) c
getBWidth :: [WindowChanges] -> Maybe Int
getHigh :: (FudgetIO c) => (a -> c a b) -> c a b
getLeftSP :: (a -> SP (Either a b) c) -> SP (Either a b) c
getLow :: (FudgetIO c) => (FResponse -> c a b) -> c a b
getRightSP :: (a -> SP (Either b a) c) -> SP (Either b a) c
kContWrap :: Cont (KSP a b) c -> Cont (K a b) c
kernelF :: K a b -> F a b
kernelTag :: Path
openDisplay :: DisplayName -> Cont (F a b) Display
putHigh :: (FudgetIO c) => a -> c b a -> c b a
putLow :: (FudgetIO c) => FRequest -> c a b -> c a b
putLows :: (FudgetIO c) => [FRequest] -> c a b -> c a b
putMsgs :: (FudgetIO c) => [KCommand a] -> c b a -> c b a
splogue :: SP (Path, Response) (Path, Request) -> Dialogue
tagEventsSP :: F a b -> SP (Path, Response) (Path, Request)
toKernel :: [a] -> [Message (Path, a) b]
tryGet :: Cont a (Maybe b) -> Cont a b -> Cont a b
tryM :: Cont a (Maybe b) -> a -> Cont a b
waitForF :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Cont (F a c) b
waitForFu :: (KEvent a -> Maybe b) -> Cont (F a c) b
waitForK :: (KEvent a -> Maybe b) -> Cont (K a c) b
waitForSP :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> SP a c) -> SP a c
windowKF :: (Rect -> FRequest) -> Bool -> Bool -> [FRequest] -> Maybe Rect -> K a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
xcommand :: (FudgetIO c) => XCommand -> c a b -> c a b
xcommandF :: XCommand -> F a b -> F a b
xcommandK :: XCommand -> K a b -> K a b
xcommands :: (FudgetIO c) => [XCommand] -> c a b -> c a b
xcommandsF :: [XCommand] -> F a b -> F a b
xcommandsK :: [XCommand] -> K a b -> K a b
xrequest :: (FudgetIO d) => XRequest -> (XResponse -> Maybe a) -> (a -> d b c) -> d b c
xrequestF :: XRequest -> (XResponse -> Maybe a) -> Cont (F b c) a
xrequestK :: XRequest -> (XResponse -> Maybe a) -> Cont (K b c) a


Font metrics:
data FontStruct
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data FRequest = ...
data FResponse = ...
data LayoutMessage
data LayoutResponse
data XCommand = ...
data XRequest = ...
type Command = XCommand
data BitmapData = ...
type DisplayName = String
data PropertyMode = ...
data Drawable = ...
data KeyCode = ...
data Pressed = ...
data Detail = ...
data Mode = ...
data Visibility = ...
data ClientData = ...
data XEvent = ...
type Event = XEvent
data XResponse = ...
data BitmapReturn = ...
data FontStructList
data DLValue
data SocketRequest = ...
data SocketResponse = ...
type Port = Int
type Host = String
type Peer = Host
data Socket = ...
data LSocket = ...
data Timer = ...
type AsyncInput = (Descriptor, AEvent)
data Descriptor = ...
data AEvent = ...
type DLHandle = Int
type KeyLookup = String
type Width = Int
data Pixel = ...
type PlaneMask = Pixel
data RGB = ...
data Color = ...
data Display = ...
type XDisplay = Display
data Selection = ...
data BackingStore = ...
data GrabPointerResult = ...
data GCFunction = ...
data GCLineStyle = ...
data GCCapStyle = ...
data GCSubwindowMode = ...
data GCFillStyle = ...
data GCAttributes a b = ...
type GCAttributeList = [GCAttributes Pixel FontId]
data WindowAttributes = ...
data WindowChanges = ...
data StackMode = ...
data EventMask = ...
data Gravity = ...
data ShapeKind = ...
data ShapeOperation = ...
data Ordering' = ...
type RmClass = String
type RmName = String
type RmQuery = (RmClass, RmName)
type RmSpec = [RmQuery]
type RmValue = String
type RmDatabase = Int
data Modifiers = ...
data Button = ...
type ModState = [Modifiers]
type KeySym = String
data WindowId = ...
type Window = WindowId
type XWId = WindowId
data PixmapId = ...
data FontId = ...
data GCId = ...
data CursorId = ...
data ColormapId = ...
data Atom = ...
type ColorName = String
type FontName = String
type Time = Int
type Depth = Int
data ImageFormat = ...
data DisplayClass = ...
data VisualID = ...
data Visual = ...
data DrawCommand = ...
data CoordMode = ...
data Shape = ...
bits_per_rgb :: Visual -> Int
black :: Pixel
blue_mask :: Visual -> Word
button :: XEvent -> Button
clEventMask :: [EventMask]
clModifiers :: [Modifiers]
clearArea :: Rect -> Bool -> FRequest
clearWindow :: FRequest
clearWindowExpose :: XCommand
colorPixel :: Color -> Pixel
colorRGB :: Color -> RGB
copyFromParent :: Depth
count :: XEvent -> Int
defaultColormap :: ColormapId
detail :: XEvent -> Detail
draw :: Drawable -> GCId -> DrawCommand -> FRequest
drawCircle :: Point -> Int -> DrawCommand
drawMany :: Drawable -> [(GCId, [DrawCommand])] -> FRequest
fillCircle :: Point -> Int -> DrawCommand
gcoff :: XCommand -> PixmapId
gcon :: XCommand -> PixmapId
green_mask :: Visual -> Word
invcol :: Pixel -> Pixel -> Pixel
invertColorGCattrs :: Pixel -> Pixel -> [GCAttributes Pixel a]
invertGCattrs :: [GCAttributes Pixel a]
keyLookup :: XEvent -> KeyLookup
keySym :: XEvent -> KeySym
keycode :: XEvent -> KeyCode
layoutRequestCmd :: LayoutRequest -> FRequest
major_code :: XEvent -> Int
map_entries :: Visual -> Int
minor_code :: XEvent -> Int
mode :: XEvent -> Mode
moveResizeWindow :: Rect -> XCommand
moveWindow :: Point -> XCommand
noDisplay :: Display
noWindow :: WindowId
none :: PixmapId
parentRelative :: PixmapId
pmCopyArea :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Drawable -> Rect -> Point -> FRequest
pmCopyPlane :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Drawable -> Rect -> Point -> Int -> FRequest
pmCreatePutImage :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Rect -> ImageFormat -> [Pixel] -> FRequest
pmDraw :: PixmapId -> GCId -> DrawCommand -> FRequest
pmDrawArc :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> FRequest
pmDrawImageString :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
pmDrawImageString16 :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
pmDrawImageStringPS :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> PackedString -> FRequest
pmDrawLine :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Line -> FRequest
pmDrawLines :: PixmapId -> GCId -> CoordMode -> [Point] -> FRequest
pmDrawMany :: PixmapId -> [(GCId, [DrawCommand])] -> FRequest
pmDrawPoint :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> FRequest
pmDrawRectangle :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Rect -> FRequest
pmDrawString :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
pmDrawString16 :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
pmDrawStringPS :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Point -> PackedString -> FRequest
pmFillArc :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> FRequest
pmFillPolygon :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Shape -> CoordMode -> [Point] -> FRequest
pmFillRectangle :: PixmapId -> GCId -> Rect -> FRequest
pos :: XEvent -> Point
propModeAppend :: PropertyMode
propModePrepend :: PropertyMode
propModeReplace :: PropertyMode
rect :: XEvent -> Rect
red_mask :: Visual -> Word
resizeWindow :: Point -> XCommand
rmNothing :: Int
rootGC :: GCId
rootPos :: XEvent -> Point
rootWindow :: WindowId
state :: XEvent -> ModState
time :: XEvent -> Time
type' :: XEvent -> Pressed
visualClass :: Visual -> DisplayClass
visualid :: Visual -> VisualID
wCopyArea :: GCId -> Drawable -> Rect -> Point -> FRequest
wCopyPlane :: GCId -> Drawable -> Rect -> Point -> Int -> FRequest
wCreatePutImage :: GCId -> Rect -> ImageFormat -> [Pixel] -> FRequest
wDraw :: GCId -> DrawCommand -> FRequest
wDrawArc :: GCId -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> FRequest
wDrawCircle :: GCId -> Point -> Int -> FRequest
wDrawImageString :: GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
wDrawImageString16 :: GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
wDrawImageStringPS :: GCId -> Point -> PackedString -> FRequest
wDrawLine :: GCId -> Line -> FRequest
wDrawLines :: GCId -> CoordMode -> [Point] -> FRequest
wDrawMany :: [(GCId, [DrawCommand])] -> FRequest
wDrawPoint :: GCId -> Point -> FRequest
wDrawRectangle :: GCId -> Rect -> FRequest
wDrawString :: GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
wDrawString16 :: GCId -> Point -> String -> FRequest
wDrawStringPS :: GCId -> Point -> PackedString -> FRequest
wFillArc :: GCId -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> FRequest
wFillCircle :: GCId -> Point -> Int -> FRequest
wFillPolygon :: GCId -> Shape -> CoordMode -> [Point] -> FRequest
wFillRectangle :: GCId -> Rect -> FRequest
white :: Pixel
xyBitmap :: ImageFormat
xyPixmap :: ImageFormat
zPixmap :: ImageFormat


Displaying text:
data ListRequest a = ...
appendItems :: [a] -> ListRequest a
applyListRequest :: ListRequest a -> [a] -> [a]
changeItems :: Int -> [a] -> ListRequest a
deleteItems :: Int -> Int -> ListRequest a
highlightItems :: [Int] -> ListRequest a
insertItems :: Int -> [a] -> ListRequest a
pickItem :: Int -> ListRequest a
replaceAll :: [a] -> ListRequest a
replaceAllFrom :: Int -> [a] -> ListRequest a
replaceItems :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> ListRequest a
The Fudget type:
type TEvent = (Path, FResponse)
type TCommand = (Path, FRequest)
type FEvent a = Message TEvent a
type FCommand a = Message TCommand a
type Fudget a b = F a b
type FSP a b = SP (FEvent a) (FCommand b)
data F a b = ...
The fudget kernel type:
type Fa a b c d = SP (Message a c) (Message b d)
type KEvent a = Message FResponse a
type KCommand a = Message FRequest a
type KSP a b = SP (KEvent a) (KCommand b)
data K a b = ...
The type of plain stream processors:
data SP a b
Types for messages from data entry fields:
data InputMsg a = ...
inputChange :: a -> InputMsg a
inputDone :: InputMsg a -> Maybe a
inputLeaveDone :: InputMsg a -> Maybe a
inputMsg :: a -> InputMsg a
mapInp :: (a -> b) -> InputMsg a -> InputMsg b
stripInputMsg :: InputMsg a -> a
tstInp :: (a -> b) -> InputMsg a -> b
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data Direction = ...
data FRequest
data FResponse
data Message a b = ...
type Path = [Direction]
data PopupMsg a = ...
aHigh :: (a -> b) -> Message c a -> Message c b
aLow :: (a -> b) -> Message a c -> Message b c
absPath :: Path -> Path -> Path
boundingRect :: Rect -> Rect -> Rect
diffRect :: Rect -> Rect -> [Rect]
ff :: FSP a b -> F a b
here :: Path
inputButtonKey :: KeySym
inputLeaveKey :: KeySym
intersectRects :: [Rect] -> Rect -> [Rect]
isHigh :: Message a b -> Bool
isLow :: Message a b -> Bool
kk :: KSP a b -> K a b
listEnd :: Int
mapMessage :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Message a c -> Message b d
message :: (a -> b) -> (c -> b) -> Message a c -> b
moveDrawCommand :: DrawCommand -> Point -> DrawCommand
moveDrawCommands :: [DrawCommand] -> Point -> [DrawCommand]
overlaps :: Rect -> Rect -> Bool
path :: Path -> (Direction, Path)
pushMsg :: (Functor b) => Message (b a) (b c) -> b (Message a c)
showPath :: Path -> String
stripHigh :: Message a b -> Maybe b
stripLow :: Message a b -> Maybe a
subPath :: Path -> Path -> Bool
turn :: Direction -> Path -> Path
unF :: F a b -> FSP a b
unK :: K a b -> KSP a b


argFlag :: [Char] -> Bool -> Bool
argKey :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
argReadKey :: (Read a, Show a) => [Char] -> a -> a
args :: [[Char]]
bgColor :: ColorName
buttonFont :: FontName
defaultFont :: FontName
fgColor :: ColorName
menuFont :: FontName
options :: [([Char], [Char])]
paperColor :: ColorName
shadowColor :: ColorName
shineColor :: ColorName
Geometry, part 1:
data Point = ...
type Size = Point
data Line = ...
data Rect = ...
lL :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Line
origin :: Point
pP :: Int -> Int -> Point
rR :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect
rectpos :: Rect -> Point
rectsize :: Rect -> Size
xcoord :: Point -> Int
ycoord :: Point -> Int
Geometry, part 2:
=.> :: Point -> Point -> Bool
confine :: Rect -> Rect -> Rect
freedom :: Rect -> Rect -> Point
growrect :: Rect -> Point -> Rect
inRect :: Point -> Rect -> Bool
moveline :: Line -> Point -> Line
moverect :: Rect -> Point -> Rect
pMax :: [Point] -> Point
pMin :: [Point] -> Point
padd :: Point -> Point -> Point
plim :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Point
pmax :: Point -> Point -> Point
pmin :: Point -> Point -> Point
posrect :: Rect -> Point -> Rect
psub :: Point -> Point -> Point
rectMiddle :: Rect -> Point
rsub :: Rect -> Rect -> Point
scale :: (RealFrac a, Integral c, Integral b) => a -> b -> c
scalePoint :: (RealFrac a) => a -> Point -> Point
sizerect :: Rect -> Size -> Rect
Various utility functions for pairs and lists:
aboth :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
anth :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
gmap :: (a -> [b] -> [b]) -> (c -> a) -> [c] -> [b]
issubset :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
lhead :: [a] -> [b] -> [b]
loop :: (a -> a) -> a
lsplit :: [a] -> [b] -> ([b], [b])
ltail :: [a] -> [b] -> [b]
mapPair :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
number :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int, a)]
oo :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d -> a) -> c -> d -> b
pair :: a -> b -> (a, b)
pairwith :: (a -> b) -> a -> (a, b)
part :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
remove :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
replace :: (Eq a) => (a, b) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
unionmap :: (Eq b) => (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
Various utility functions for the Either type:
filterLeft :: [Either a b] -> [a]
filterRight :: [Either a b] -> [b]
fromLeft :: Either a b -> a
fromRight :: Either a b -> b
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
mapEither :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Either a c -> Either b d
splitEitherList :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b])
stripEither :: Either a a -> a
stripLeft :: Either a b -> Maybe a
stripRight :: Either a b -> Maybe b
swapEither :: Either a b -> Either b a
Various utility functions for the Maybe type.:
isM :: Maybe a -> Bool
mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapfilter :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
plookup :: (a -> Bool) -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
stripMaybe :: Maybe a -> a
stripMaybeDef :: a -> Maybe a -> a
Miscellaneous (the rest):
data AFilePath
type Cont a b = (b -> a) -> a
aFilePath :: FilePath -> AFilePath
argKeyList :: [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
bitand :: Int -> Int -> Int
bitxor :: Int -> Int -> Int
compactPath :: AFilePath -> AFilePath
defaultPosition :: Maybe Point
defaultSep :: (Num a) => a
defaultSize :: Maybe Point
diag :: Int -> Point
edgeWidth :: Int
expandTabs :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
extendPath :: AFilePath -> String -> AFilePath
filePath :: AFilePath -> FilePath
ifC :: (a -> a) -> Bool -> a -> a
inputBg :: ColorName
inputFg :: ColorName
isAbsolute :: AFilePath -> Bool
joinPaths :: AFilePath -> AFilePath -> AFilePath
labelFont :: FontName
line2rect :: Line -> Rect
look3d :: Bool
lunconcat :: [[a]] -> [b] -> [[b]]
mapHigh :: (a -> [b]) -> SP (Message c a) (Message c b)
mapList :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapLow :: (a -> [b]) -> SP (Message a c) (Message b c)
mapstateHigh :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> SP (Message d b) (Message d c)
mapstateLow :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> SP (Message b d) (Message c d)
new3d :: Bool
pathHead :: AFilePath -> AFilePath
pathLength :: AFilePath -> Int
pathRelativeTo :: AFilePath -> AFilePath -> AFilePath
pathTail :: AFilePath -> String
progName :: String
rect2line :: Rect -> Line
resourceName :: String
rmBS :: [Char] -> [Char]
rmax :: Rect -> Rect -> Rect
rootPath :: AFilePath
setFst :: (a, b) -> c -> (c, b)
setSnd :: (a, b) -> c -> (a, c)
thenC :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
unconcat :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
version :: String
version13u :: String
wrapLine :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]


A fudget that shows the high level input and output of a fudget on the standard error output:
spyF :: (Show b, Show a) => F a b -> F a b
An identity fudget that copies messages to the standard error output:
teeF :: (a -> [Char]) -> [Char] -> F a a
Miscellaneous (the rest):
ctrace :: (Show a) => [Char] -> a -> b -> b
maptrace :: (Eq a) => String -> [a] -> [a]
showCommandF :: String -> F a b -> F a b


Displaying text:
class HasInitText a where ...
Miscellaneous (the rest):
type Customiser a = a -> a
type PF a b c = F (Either (Customiser a) b) c
type PK a b c = K (Either (Customiser a) b) c
class HasFontSpec a where ...
class HasKeys a where ...
class HasWinAttr a where ...
class HasBorderWidth a where ...
class HasBgColorSpec a where ...
class HasFgColorSpec a where ...
class HasMargin a where ...
class HasAlign a where ...
class HasInitSize a where ...
class HasInitDisp a where ...
class HasStretchable a where ...
class HasSizing a where ...
type Alignment = Double
cust :: (a -> a) -> Customiser a
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
getpar :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> b
getparMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
noPF :: PF a b c -> F b c
setBgColor :: (HasBgColorSpec b, Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> Customiser b
setFgColor :: (HasFgColorSpec b, Show a, ColorGen a) => a -> Customiser b
setFont :: (HasFontSpec b, Show a, FontGen a) => a -> Customiser b
standard :: Customiser a


Client/Server programming:
data ClientMsg a = ...
data SocketMsg a = ...
data TPort a b
data TServerAddress a b
socketServerF :: Port -> (Socket -> Peer -> F a (SocketMsg b)) -> F (Int, a) (Int, ClientMsg b)
tPort :: (Show a, Read a, Show b, Read b) => Port -> TPort a b
tSocketServerF :: (Read a, Show b) => TPort a b -> (Peer -> F b (SocketMsg a) -> F c (SocketMsg d)) -> F (Int, c) (Int, ClientMsg d)
tTransceiverF :: (Show a, Read b) => TServerAddress a b -> F a (SocketMsg b)
hSplitF :: F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
hSplitF' :: Alignment -> F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
splitF' :: LayoutDir -> Alignment -> F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
vSplitF :: F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
vSplitF' :: Alignment -> F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
menuF :: (Eq a) => Menu a -> F a a
auxShellF :: String -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)
auxShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> String -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)
delayedAuxShellF :: String -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)
delayedAuxShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> String -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)
fileShellF :: (a -> String, String -> Either String a, Maybe a) -> [Char] -> F a (InputMsg a) -> F b c
fileShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> (a -> String, String -> Either String a, Maybe a) -> [Char] -> F a (InputMsg a) -> F b c
showReadFileShellF :: (Read a, Show a) => Maybe a -> [Char] -> F a (InputMsg a) -> F b c
showReadFileShellF' :: (Read a, Show a) => (ShellF -> ShellF) -> Maybe a -> [Char] -> F a (InputMsg a) -> F b c
textFileShellF :: [Char] -> F String (InputMsg String) -> F a b
textFileShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> [Char] -> F String (InputMsg String) -> F a b
titleShellF :: String -> F a b -> F (Either String a) b
titleShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> String -> F a b -> F (Either String a) b
wmShellF :: String -> F a b -> F (Either (Either String Bool) a) (Either () b)
wmShellF' :: (ShellF -> ShellF) -> String -> F a b -> F (Either (Either String Bool) a) (Either () b)
Miscellaneous (the rest):
type FileName = String
data RBBT = ...
data SmileyMode = ...
type MenuBar a = Menu a
type Menu a = [MenuItem' a]
type MenuItem' a = Item (MenuItem a)
data Item a
data MenuItem a = ...
data Transl a b = ...
aFilePath :: FilePath -> AFilePath
bitmapButtonF :: [(ModState, KeySym)] -> FileName -> F BitmapReturn Click
bitmapDispBorderF :: Int -> FileName -> F BitmapReturn a
bitmapDispF :: FileName -> F BitmapReturn a
cmdItem :: (Graphic b) => a -> b -> Item (MenuItem a)
compT :: Transl a b -> Transl c a -> Transl c b
completeFromList :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [a] -> [([a], [a])]
completionStringF :: F (Either ([Char] -> [(a, [Char])]) [Char]) (Either [(a, [Char])] (InputMsg [Char]))
completionStringF' :: Char -> Customiser StringF -> F (Either ([Char] -> [(a, [Char])]) [Char]) (Either [(a, [Char])] (InputMsg [Char]))
completionStringF'' :: Char -> Customiser StringF -> F (Either ([Char] -> [(a, [Char])]) (Either (Customiser StringF) [Char])) (Either [(a, [Char])] (InputMsg [Char]))
delayedSubMenuItem :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => Transl a b -> Menu a -> c -> Item (MenuItem b)
dynRadioGroupItem :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => Transl ([Item a], a) b -> [Item a] -> a -> c -> Item (MenuItem b)
endButtonsF :: F (Either Click Click) (Either Click Click)
filePickF :: F (Maybe FilePath) (Maybe FilePath)
filePickF' :: (Graphic a) => [(AFilePath -> AFilePath, KeySym, a)] -> F (Maybe FilePath) (Maybe FilePath)
filePickPopupF :: F (a, Maybe FilePath) ((a, Maybe FilePath), FilePath)
filePickPopupF' :: (Graphic a) => [(AFilePath -> AFilePath, KeySym, a)] -> F (b, Maybe FilePath) ((b, Maybe FilePath), FilePath)
filePickPopupOptF :: F (a, Maybe FilePath) ((a, Maybe FilePath), Maybe FilePath)
filePickPopupOptF' :: (Graphic a) => [(AFilePath -> AFilePath, KeySym, a)] -> F (b, Maybe FilePath) ((b, Maybe FilePath), Maybe FilePath)
helpBubbleF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c -> F b c
idT :: Transl a a
item :: (Graphic b) => a -> b -> Item a
item' :: (Graphic b) => [(ModState, KeySym)] -> a -> b -> Item a
itemValue :: Item a -> a
key :: Item a -> KeySym -> Item a
mapSocketMsg :: (a -> b) -> SocketMsg a -> SocketMsg b
menu :: (Eq a) => Transl a b -> Menu a -> MenuItem b
menuBarF :: (Eq a) => Menu a -> F a a
menuIcon :: FixedDrawing
meterBg :: ColorSpec
meterD :: (RealFrac a) => a -> FlexibleDrawing
meterF :: (RealFrac a) => InF a (Ratio Int)
meterF' :: (RealFrac a) => (GraphicsF FlexibleDrawing -> GraphicsF FlexibleDrawing) -> F a (InputMsg (Ratio Int))
meterFg :: ColorSpec
radioF1 :: (Eq a) => RBBT -> FontName -> [(a, String)] -> a -> F a a
radioGroupF1 :: (Eq a) => RBBT -> FontName -> [a] -> a -> (a -> String) -> F a a
radioGroupItem :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => Transl a b -> [Item a] -> a -> c -> Item (MenuItem b)
sepItem :: Item (MenuItem a)
smileyD :: SmileyMode -> FixedDrawing
smileyF :: F SmileyMode a
smileyF' :: Customiser (DisplayF SmileyMode) -> F SmileyMode a
startDir :: FilePath
stdcc :: Char
subMenuItem :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => Transl a b -> Menu a -> c -> Item (MenuItem b)
tServerAddress :: Host -> TPort a b -> TServerAddress a b
toggleButtonF1 :: RBBT -> String -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> String -> F Bool Bool
toggleF1 :: RBBT -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> F a b -> F (Either Bool a) (Either Bool b)
toggleItem :: (Graphic b) => Transl Bool a -> Bool -> b -> Item (MenuItem a)