oldPopupMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => ColorName -> Bool -> FontName -> Button -> ModState -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> [(a, b)] -> (a -> c) -> F d e -> F (Either [(a, f)] d) (Either a e)
oldPopupMenuF bgcolor grab fname button mods keys alts show_alt fudget
provides a popup menu. The menu is normally hidden, but pops up when
the a specific mouse button is pressed over the fudget to which the popup
menu is attached, so that an item can be picked from the
menu. The menu is removed as soon as the mouse button is released.
Left x
is ignored. Right y
causes y
to be passed
to the argument fudget.
Left x
is output if menu item x
is selected.
Right y
is output if the argument fudget outputs y
bgcolor :: ColorName
is a good default.
grab :: Bool
the menu will pop up even if the
pointer is over a subwindow.
fname :: FontName
. (This argument is likely to disappear in the
near future. It will be replaced by some resource mechanism.)
button :: Button
mods :: ModState
keys :: [(ModState, KeySym)]
alts :: [(a, b)]
show_alt :: a -> c
fudget :: F d e