data F a b = F (FSP a b) instance FudgetIO F instance StreamProcIO F type Fudget a b = F a b type FSP a b = SP (FEvent a) (FCommand b) type TEvent = (Path, FResponse) type TCommand = (Path, FRequest) type FEvent a = Message TEvent a type FCommand a = Message TCommand a
data SP a b
data Message a b = Low a | High b
F hi ho
is the Fudget type. hi
is the type of high level input
messages and ho
is the type of high level output messages.
Abstract fudgets: absF, mapF, mapstateF.
Other atomic fudget constructors: windowF, ioF (normally not used directly by application progammers).
Fudget combinators: >+<, >==<, listF, loopF.
Stream processors: SP.