completionStringF :: F (Either ([Char] -> [(a, [Char])]) [Char]) (Either [(a, [Char])] (InputMsg [Char]))
creates a string entry field with a completion mechanism
Left complfun
sets the function that generates completions.
Whenever a completion is requested, this function is applied to the
current contents of the input field, to genereate a list of
possible completions.
The generated strings should include the full contents of input field,
not just something that could be appended to the end of the current
Right s
sets the current string in the input field.
Left alts
, where alts
list the remaining possible
completions, is output when ia completion operation has been made.
Right msg
, is output when the string is edited.
A function to generate completions: completions.
The basic string entry field: stringF.
Documentation is incomplete.
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