¤ XCommand, XRequest


data XCommand = CloseDisplay Display | DestroyWindow | MapRaised | LowerWindow | UnmapWindow | Draw Drawable GCId DrawCommand | DrawMany Drawable [(GCId, [DrawCommand])] | ClearArea Rect Bool | ClearWindow | ChangeGC GCId GCAttributeList | FreeGC GCId | ChangeWindowAttributes [WindowAttributes] | ConfigureWindow [WindowChanges] | StoreName String | SetNormalHints Point | UngrabPointer | GrabButton Bool Button ModState [EventMask] | UngrabButton Button ModState | Flush | FreePixmap PixmapId | ShapeCombineMask ShapeKind Point PixmapId ShapeOperation | ShapeCombineRectangles ShapeKind Point [Rect] ShapeOperation Ordering' | ShapeCombineShape ShapeKind Point PixmapId ShapeKind ShapeOperation | RmDestroyDatabase RmDatabase | RmCombineDatabase RmDatabase RmDatabase Bool | RmPutLineResource RmDatabase String | SetWMProtocols [Atom] | SendEvent Window Bool [EventMask] XEvent | SetSelectionOwner Bool Atom | ConvertSelection Selection | ChangeProperty Window Atom Atom Int PropertyMode String | FreeColors ColormapId [Pixel] Pixel | ReparentWindow Window | WarpPointer Point | SetRegion GCId Rect | AddToSaveSet | RemoveFromSaveSet | Bell Int | SetGCWarningHack { gcon :: PixmapId, gcoff :: PixmapId } | GrabEvents Bool | UngrabEvents | TranslateEvent (XEvent -> Maybe XEvent) [EventMask] | ReparentToMe Path Window | GetWindowId | SelectWindow Window | MeButtonMachine
  instance Show XCommand
data XRequest = OpenDisplay DisplayName | CreateSimpleWindow Path Rect | CreateRootWindow Rect String | CreateGC Drawable GCId GCAttributeList | LoadFont FontName | CreateFontCursor Int | GrabPointer Bool [EventMask] | LMLQueryFont FontId | AllocNamedColor ColormapId ColorName | AllocColor ColormapId RGB | CreatePixmap Size Depth | ReadBitmapFile FilePath | CreateBitmapFromData BitmapData | RmGetStringDatabase String | RmGetResource RmDatabase String String | TranslateCoordinates | InternAtom String Bool | GetWindowProperty Int Atom Bool Atom | QueryPointer | QueryFont FontId | LoadQueryFont FontName | QueryColor ColormapId Pixel | QueryTree | DefaultRootWindow | GetGeometry | DefaultVisual | Sync Bool | QueryTextExtents16 FontId String | ListFonts FontName Int | ListFontsWithInfo FontName Int | GetResource RmSpec | CreateMyWindow Rect
  instance Show XRequest


XCommand contains asynchronous calls (calls without result values) to the Xlib library. Not all such calls are implemented.

XRequest contains synchronous calls (calls with result values) to the Xlib library. Not all such calls are implemented. The result is a value in the type XRequest. These values are normally not used directly in application programs. Instead there are dedicated functions to perform these calls (see xrequestK).

See Also

DrawCommand, xrequestK, XEvent, XResponse.


Incomplete documentation