¤ Fudget Library Reference Manual ¤
Created from the Fudget Library sources on Sat Jun 24 16:22:22 CEST 2000
Index of obsolete stuff
- Selecting from dynamic lists of alternatives:
oldFilePickF :: F String (InputMsg String)
- Miscellaneous (the rest):
oldButtonF :: (Graphic c, Show a, FontGen a, Show b, ColorGen b, Graphic d) => Alignment -> Distance -> a -> ColorSpec -> b -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> c -> F d Click
oldPopupMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq a) => ColorName -> Bool -> FontName -> Button -> ModState -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> [(a, b)] -> (a -> c) -> F d e -> F (Either [(a, f)] d) (Either a e)
- Miscellaneous (the rest):
inputListLF :: (Eq a) => Placer -> [(a, InF b c)] -> F [(a, b)] (InputMsg [(a, c)])
inputPairLF :: Orientation -> InF a b -> InF c d -> F (a, c) (InputMsg (b, d))
- Miscellaneous (the rest):
infixl 9 >#+<
>#+< :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
infixl 9 >#==<
>#==< :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c a -> F c b
- Miscellaneous (the rest):
data Orientation = ...
compLF :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d)
listLF :: (Eq a) => Placer -> [(a, F b c)] -> F (a, b) (a, c)
serCompLF :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c a -> F c b
untaggedListLF :: Placer -> [F a b] -> F (Int, a) b
- Miscellaneous (the rest):
oldHscrollF :: Bool -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
oldScrollF :: Bool -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
oldVscrollF :: Bool -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
scrollShellF :: String -> (Point, Point) -> F a b -> F a b
- Miscellaneous (the rest):
concSP :: SP [a] a
concmapSP :: (a -> [b]) -> SP a b
mapstateSP :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> SP b c