Friends with home pages
Revealing photos
The following people also have their own web page, but they haven't got these revealing photos .
Niklas Röjemo, more interested in two Israelia
girls than the Statue of Liberty. (1991)
Jan Sparud, mostly interested in coffee and games.
Pictures of friends
Magnus Carlsson, enjoying a capuccino after a
long walk up and down Manhattan. (1991)
Ola and his son Lukas,
enjoying a walk through the botanic garden in Göteborg. (Sep 1994)
Sanna, enjoying a peach. (1994)
& Anna enjoying their wedding (1994)
Anne-Maj, enjoying getting her camera back
after a nice thanks-for-lending-me-the-camera dinner with me
at Malaysia Saté.
Katarina, enjoying a bath. (1994)
Katarina, enjoying falling asleep in my lap. (1994)
Cissi making a phone call,
after enjoying a lesson in word processing in my sofa. (1997)