oldMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq b, Graphic a) => FontName -> a -> [(b, [(ModState, KeySym)])] -> (b -> c) -> F a b simpleMenuF :: (Graphic c, Eq b, Graphic a) => FontName -> a -> [b] -> (b -> c) -> F a b
oldMenuF fname name alts show_alt
provides a drop down menu. A drop down menu consists of a menu
activation button and a menu. The menu is normally hidden, but appears below
the activation button when it
is pressed, so that an item can be picked from the
menu. The menu is removed as soon as the mouse button is released.
allows keyboard shortcuts to be specified. simpleMenuF
is does not have this possibility.
fname :: FontName
. (This argument is likely to disappear in the
near future. It will be replaced by some resource mechanism.)
A good default for menus is menuFont
name :: a
alts :: [(b, [(ModState, KeySym)])]
show_alt :: b -> c
simpleMenuF menuFont "File" ["New", "Open...", "Save", "Save as...", "Close", "Quit"] id