ยค oldButtonF


oldButtonF :: (Graphic e, FontGen p1, Show p1, Show p2, ColorGen p2) =>
              Alignment ->
              Distance ->
              p1 -> ColorSpec -> p2 -> [(ModState, KeySym)] -> e -> F e Click


oldButtonF alignment margin fname bg fg keys label


oldButtonF is a simple command button displaying a text.


Input message are used to relabel the button dynamically.


When pressed, it will emit a Click


alignment :: Alignment
How the labelled should be align horizontally in the button.
margin :: Distance
Space between the button border and the label.
fname :: p1
Name of the font to use for text. Fonts can be examined by using the command xfontsel. (This argument is likely to disappear in the near future. It will be replaced by some resource mechanism.)
bg :: ColorSpec
Background color.
fg :: p2
Foreground color
keys :: [(ModState, KeySym)]
Key equivalent list. Instead of clicking on the button, a combination of modifiers and a key from the list can be pressed.
label :: e
The button label.


 oldButtonF aCenter 2 buttonFont (colorSpec bgColor) (colorSpec fgColor) [([Mod1],"q")] "Nisse Hult" :: (F String Click)

See Also

buttonF, menuF, toggleButtonF, radioF, buttonFont.