changeBackPixmap :: (ColorGen a1, ColorGen a2, Show a1, Show a2) => a1 -> a2 -> Size -> [DrawCommand] -> K i o -> K i o greyBgK :: K hi ho -> K hi ho lightGreyBgK :: K hi ho -> K hi ho darkGreyBgK :: K hi ho -> K hi ho
changeBackPixmap fgcolor bgcolor size drawcmds
creates a fudget kernel that changes the background pixmap of the
controlled window and then behaves like the argument fudget kernel.
, lightGreyBgK
and darkGreyBgK
are shorthands
for some grey backgrounds. Solid grey colors are used if possible. Otherwise
a dithered black and white pattern is used.
fgcolor :: a1
bgcolor :: a2
size :: Size
drawcmds :: [DrawCommand]
first creates a pixmap of the given size. The pixmap is filled
with the given background color. Then the drawing commands are executed
in the pixmap, using a GC with backround and foreground colors set
appropriately and with default values for all other attributes.