¤ hyperGraphicsF, hyperGraphicsF'

Displaying and interacting with composite graphical objects


hyperGraphicsF :: (Eq d, Graphic leaf) =>
                  Drawing d leaf -> F ((Drawing d leaf)  (d, Drawing d leaf)) d
hyperGraphicsF' :: (Graphic leaf, Eq d) =>
                   (GraphicsF (Drawing d leaf) -> GraphicsF (Drawing d leaf)) ->
                   Drawing d leaf -> F ((Drawing d leaf)  (d, Drawing d leaf)) d


hyperGraphicsF drawing


hyperGraphicsF allows you to display a composite graphical object (a value of type Drawing) and receive information about which part of the object the user clicks on.


Left drawing replaces the current drawing. Right (lbl,drawing) replaces the part labelled lbl, including the label.


lbl when the user clicks on the part labelled lbl.


drawing :: Drawing d leaf
The drawing to display initially.



 hyperGraphicsF (vboxD [labelD True (atomicD "Yes"), labelD False (atomicD "No")])

This fudget uses a drawing of type Drawing Bool String and will output True or False when the user clicks on the word Yes or No, respectively.

See Also

The type for composite graphical objects: Drawing.

Other fudgets that display graphics: graphicsF, displayF, labelF.

Other fudgets for selecting among alternatives: pickListF, radioGroupF, menuF.

Fudgets that display text: moreF et al.


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