ยค XResponse

Fudget low-level stream types


data XResponse = DisplayOpened Display
               | WindowCreated Window
               | GCCreated GCId
               | CursorCreated CursorId
               | PointerGrabbed GrabPointerResult
               | FontLoaded FontId
               | LMLFontQueried FontStruct
               | ColorAllocated (Maybe Color)
               | PixmapCreated PixmapId
               | BitmapRead BitmapReturn
               | RmDatabaseCreated RmDatabase
               | GotResource (Maybe (String, RmValue))
               | CoordinatesTranslated Point
               | GotAtom Atom
               | GotAtomName (Maybe String)
               | GotEvent (Window, XEvent)
               | GotWindowProperty Atom Int Int Int String
               | PointerQueried Bool Point Point ModState
               | FontQueried (Maybe FontStructList)
               | ColorQueried Color
               | TreeQueried Window Window [Window]
               | GotDefaultRootWindow Window
               | GotGeometry Rect Int Int
               | GotVisual Visual
               | Synced
               | TextExtents16Queried Int Int CharStruct
               | GotFontList [FontName]
               | GotFontListWithInfo [(FontName, FontStructList)]
               | DbeExtensionQueried Int Int Int
               | DbeBuffersSwapped Int
               | DbeBackBufferNameAllocated DbeBackBufferId
instance Show XResponse


XResponse contain the values that can be returned as response to XRequests.

See Also
