ยค GfxCommand, GfxChange, et al
Displaying and interacting with composite graphical objects
data GfxCommand path gfx = ChangeGfx [(path, GfxChange gfx)]
| ChangeGfxBg ColorSpec
| ChangeGfxBgPixmap PixmapId Bool
| Graphic bg => ChangeGfxBgGfx bg
| ChangeGfxCursor CursorId
| ChangeGfxFontCursor Int
| ShowGfx path (Maybe Alignment, Maybe Alignment)
| BellGfx Int
| GetGfxPlaces [path]
instance Functor (GfxCommand path)
data GfxChange gfx = GfxReplace (Bool, Maybe gfx) | GfxGroup Int Int | GfxUngroup Int
instance Functor GfxChange
data GfxEvent path = GfxButtonEvent {gfxState :: ModState,
gfxType :: Pressed,
gfxButton :: Button,
gfxPaths :: [(path, (Point, Rect))]}
| GfxMotionEvent {gfxState :: ModState, gfxPaths :: [(path, (Point, Rect))]}
| GfxKeyEvent {gfxState :: ModState,
gfxKeySym :: KeySym,
gfxKeyLookup :: KeyLookup}
| GfxFocusEvent {gfxHasFocus :: Bool}
| GfxPlaces [Rect]
| GfxResized Size
instance Eq path => Eq (GfxEvent path)
instance Show path => Show (GfxEvent path)
data GfxEventMask = GfxButtonMask | GfxMotionMask | GfxDragMask | GfxKeyMask
type GfxFCmd a = GfxCommand DPath a
type GfxFEvent = GfxEvent DPath
highlightGfx :: path -> Bool -> GfxCommand path gfx
mapGfxCommandPath :: (t -> path) -> GfxCommand t gfx -> GfxCommand path gfx
replaceAllGfx :: gfx -> GfxCommand [a] gfx
replaceGfx :: path -> gfx -> GfxCommand path gfx
showGfx :: path -> GfxCommand path gfx
isGfxButtonEvent :: GfxEvent path -> Maybe Button
isMouseClick :: GfxEvent a -> Maybe a
mapGfxEventPath :: (t -> Maybe path) -> GfxEvent t -> GfxEvent path
There are types used for interacting with graphicsF.